JJ compilation

Details of on-line workshops and on-line mentoring

(C = child workshop, A = adult workshops)


21st Jan. - Roger, UK - Q-section for helical antenna
21st Jan. - William KS, USA - off to Cornell


9th Jan. - Science Made Simple, progress meeting
10th Jan. - William KS, USA - science chat + Oxford Interview results
24th Jan. - William KS, USA - science chat + University ideas
24th Jan. - Dr Bernd Eggen, UK - long term Geiger counter peak observation: cosmic rays v water table (Radon)
6th Feb - Max LH, catch up after many years post C60 generator
19th Feb. - William KS, USA - science chat + University ideas
20th Feb - Max LH, spit land stabalisation: Bamboo and mangroves
22th Feb - Simon G4EYR, intro to Meshtastic
27th Feb - Russel Tayler - Science Island project cont.
12th March - Stan, USA, Netherlands, London - catch up after 4 years
3rd April - William KS, USA - William gets into Cornell University (if he wants to)
10th April - William KS, USA - William gets into UCL (if he wants to)
23rd April - William KS, USA - William gets into UCL - visit: first impressions
24th May - William KS, USA - chat about courses, Arduino and Pi PIco
30th May - William KS, USA - New York Energy Centre, Buckyball Boey
24th July - William KS, USA - general maths or statistics?
7th August- William KS, USA - pure or applied maths?
13th August - William KS, USA - off to Cornell & Filing
2nd October - William KS, USA - Cornell course ideas
9th October - Elise and Lou, France - wave generators and coil winding
15th October - University of Southampton students, Joseph, William, Oliver, Joseph - MSF antennas, filters and amplifiers
23rd October - William KS, USA - ice freezing v altitude
22nd Nov. - University of Southampton students - Joseph, William, Oliver, Joseph - MSF circuits, PLL, tone decoders
22nd October - William KS, USA - back at home
5th Nov - William KS, USA - maths: waves and complex numbers
5th Dec - William KS, USA - general discussion
19th Dec - William KS, USA - general discussion
30th Dec - William KS, USA - general discussion


4th Jan - (A) Zoom - Phil Chity, UK - wireless (radio) link for rain gauge
29th Jan. - William KS, USA - discussing Universities
2nd Feb. - Russel Tayler - Science Island project cont.
15th Feb. - meeting with Virgin Galactic & Russel Taylor
26th Feb. - William KS, USA - discussing Universities, RC ideas
3rd March - Prof H Cox group, University of Sussex, matrix game meeting
9th March - Lancing College - extra (zoom) C60 workshop
10th March - Virgin Galactic etc. Russel Taylor
26th March - William KS, USA - discussing Universities & gap year ideas
16th April - William KS, USA - discussing Universities & gap year ideas
30th April - William KS, USA - remote control ideas
2nd May - Russel Tayler - Science Island project cont.
11th June - William KS, USA - lake temperature depth measurement idea
18th June - William KS, USA - lake temperature & Bouy ideas
6th July - William KS, USA - science chat
20th July - William KS, USA - science chat
27th July - Roger, UK - frequency counters & circuits
6th August - William KS, USA - science chat
27th August - William KS, USA - science chat
20th Sept. - Russel Tayler - Science Island project cont.
20th Sept. - Science Made Simple, building demonstrations
27th Sept. - Science Made Simple, progress meeting
3rd Oct. - William KS, USA - science chat
16th Oct. - Science Made Simple, progress meeting
21st Oct. - William KS, USA - science chat
3rd Oct. - William KS, USA - science chat
23rd Nov. - up-date on Virgin Galactic et al. & Russel Taylor
28th Nov. - William KS, USA - science chat + Oxford Interview
5th Dec. - Nicholas, Sevenoaks school, C60 & Fullerenes in space: carbon stars, planetay nebula, molecular clouds
11th Dec. - William KS, USA - science chat + Oxford Interview


17th Feb - (C) Zoom - Potental Plus half term festival - Castaway Science talk
22nd Feb - (C) Zoom - Potental Plus half term festival - Castaway Science talk
19th June - (A) Zoom - C60 workshop with Sussex University WP ambassadors
22nd July - (C) Zoom - William Kim-Shoemaker, USA - wave power discussion I
3rd August - (C) Zoom - William Kim-Shoemaker, USA - wave power discussion II (ideas & applications)
10th August - (C) Zoom - William Kim-Shoemaker, USA - wave power discussion III (applications & designs)
13th August - (C) Zoom - William Kim-Shoemaker, USA - wave power discussion IV (trip to UK)
15th August - (C) Zoom - William Kim-Shoemaker, USA - wave power discussion V (spherical shell design, data logging)
25th August - (C) Zoom - William KS, USA - wave power discussion VI - gen2 MKII ideas
26th August - (C) Zoom - William KS, USA - wave power discussion VII - gen2 MKII ideas
31st August - (C) Zoom - William KS, USA - wave power discussion VII - gen2 MKII ideas cont. (gimble magnet)
1st Sept. - (C) Zoom - William KS, USA - wave power discussions cont. - write up notes
2nd Sept. - (C) Zoom - William KS, USA - wave power discussions cont. - last meeting for 2 weeks
23rd Sept. - William KS, USA - wave power discussions cont. - gen II ideas
25th Sept. - William KS, USA - wave power discussions cont. - better coil ideas / gimble
2nd Oct. - William KS, USA - wave power discussions cont. - 3D PVA coil former ideas
10th Oct. - William KS, USA - wave power discussions cont. - ideas for next visit I
13th Oct. - William KS, USA - wave power discussions cont. - ideas for next visit II & sea filtering idea


7th Jan - (C) Zoom - C60 workshop I (11-14 y), PotentialPlus UK, 10 kits
7th Jan - (C) Zoom - C60 workshop II (11-14 y), PotentialPlus UK, 10 kits
8th Jan - (C) Zoom - C60 home workshop with Catherine's neice & nephew, 3 kits
21st Jan - (C) Zoom - Intro & Parabolic Solar heater design (7-11 y), PotentialPlus, PotentialPlus UK
22nd Jan - (A) Skype - discussing HDMI video 'grabbers' & splitters, Ron, Canada
25th Jan - (A) Zoom - 3D printing & Amateur Radio II
26th Jan - (A) Skype - MSF, Radio astronomy & 3D printing, Mike, UK
28th Jan - (C) Zoom - Platonic Solids & Euler's law (7-11 y), PotentialPlus UK

4th Feb. - (C) Zoom - Designing a dodecahedron hot air balloon (7-11 y), PotentialPlus UK
9th Feb - (A) Zoom - 3D printing & Amateur Radio II, Worthing & District Radio Club
11th Feb. - (C) Zoom - Rough Science workshop 1 (7-11 y) - Water Power & Electricity (Colorado RS VI series), PotentialPlus UK
15th Feb. - (C) Zoom - C60, Buckminsterfullerene workshops, Brighton Science Festival
16th - (C) Zoom - Parabolic Solar heater home workshop I
17th - (C) Zoom - Parabolic Solar heater home workshop II - follow up
23rd Feb. - PotentialPlus Festival Talk (8-11 y)
24th Feb. - PotentialPlus Festival Talk (11-14 y)

4th March - (C) Zoom - C60 workshop (7-11 y), PotentialPlus UK
5th March - (A) Skype - VLF antennas v 'normal' inductors VI, Ryan, France
31st March - (C) Zoom - one-to-one workshop: Radio workshop, William H, Guildford
1st April - (C) Zoom - one-to-one workshop: Parabolic Reflectors, International School, Moscow
7th April - (C) Zoom - one-to-one conversation: Discovery and production (historical) of C60, Chemistry World
30th April (C) Zoom - Spectroscopy of C60, Buckminsterfullerene, Ballerbys College, Brighton
1st May (A) Zoom - Production of C60, Andrew, Victoria, Canada
20th May (A) Zoom - H Cox group meeting - hands on expts. to demo Tensors etc.
8th June - C60 Workshop with Bjorn & Goldie, Seattle (USA) (TBC)
21st July - (A) Zoom - Starting LT Spice modeling (Choatic led circuit, MONIAC etc.) with Mark F (Sweden)
26th July - (A) Zoom - solar power, Emily C (UK)
9th August - (C) Zoom - Making a Fullerene generator, Eesa, Bolton (UK)
25th August - (C) Zoom - one-to-one workshop: Parabolic Solar heater William H, Guildford
11th Dec. - (A) Zoom - catching up with Stan (London, UK)
21st Dec - (A) Zoom - WADARC Christmas Amateur Radio Quiz


30th March - (C) Discord workshop with Stan, London, UK - ways to make oxygen face masks & A-level physics
1st April - (A) Skype workshop with Ninesh, Chichester ,UK - discuss antennas & water proofing
6th April - (C) Skype - windmill & turbines - Tashi & Zeb, Brighton, UK
6th April - (C) Discord workshop with Stan, London, UK - DC v AC circuits, phase difference between V and I
8th April - (C) in the Park 2m distance - The Crookes Radiometer - Tashi, Brighton, UK
13th April - (C) Skype - C60, Bucky Ball workshop - Tashi, Brighton, UK
13th April - (C) Discord workshop with Stan, London, UK - A-level physics
14th April - (A) Skype - LED lights & fixing ideas - Ron, Ontario, Canada
*** no workshops 16 - 26 April as in hospital for eye op ***
28th April - (A) Skype - designing & experimenting with VLF antennas, Ryan, France
29th April - (C) Skype - battery workshop, circuits & powering devices - Tashi, Brighton, UK
6th May - (C) Skype - Rough Science Workshop, Colorado Series Ep. 1 + PMI - Tashi, Brighton, UK
8th May - (C) Zoom - taster session I for Rough Science workshops, PotentialPlus UK
8th May - (C) Zoom - taster session II for Rough Science workshops, PotentialPlus UK
13th May - (C) Skype - C70, Bucky Ball II workshop - Tashi, Brighton, UK
15th May - (C) Zoom - Rough Science I workshop 1 (8-11 y) - Water Power & Electricity (Colorado RS VI series), PotentialPlus UK
15th May - (C) Zoom - Rough Science II workshop 1 (8-11 y) - Water Power & Electricity (Colorado RS VI series), PotentialPlus UK
18th May - (C + A) Zoom - Rough Science workshop - The four Forces of Nature, Electricity & Battery workshop, Johnny, Wales
19th May - (C + A) Zoom - one-to-on workshop: Radioactivity & half-life, Jack, Surrey
20th May - (C) Zoom - one-to-one workshop: Parabolic Solar Collector, Lego Version - Tashi, Brighton
22nd May - (C) Zoom - Rough Science I workshop 2 (8-11 y) - Parabolic solar collector (Caribbean RS II series), PotentialPlus UK
22nd May - (C) Zoom - Rough Science II workshop 2 (8-11 y) - Parabolic solar collector (Caribbean RS II series), PotentialPlus UK
27th May - (C) Zoom - one-to-one workshop: Platonic solids & Eulars Law - Tashi, Brighton
29th May - (C) Zoom - C60 workshop 1 (8-11 y), PotentialPlus UK
29th May - (C) Zoom - C60 workshop 2 (8-11 y), PotentialPlus UK
2nd June - (A) Zoom - development meeting I for on-line Sussex Uni summer school, WP
2nd June - (A) Zoom - SOTABEAMS Laserbeam - Vari, talk & demo, Worthing & district Amateur Radio Club
3rd June - (C) Zoom - one-to-one workshop: Electromagnetism & making an electro magnet - Tashi, Brighton
5th June - (A) Skype - Intro to 3D printing - Ron, Ontario, Canada
10th June - (C) Zoom - one-to-one workshop: Electromagnet, Relay & Bell / buzzer - Tashi, Brighton
11th June - (C) Zoom - Rough Science I workshop 1 (11-14 y) - Water Power & Electricity (Colorado RS VI series), PotentialPlus UK
12th June - (C) Zoom - A Scientists view of the Universe I (8-11 y), PotentialPlus UK
12th June - (C) Zoom - A Scientists view of the Universe II (8-11 y), PotentialPlus UK
17th June - (C) Zoom - one-to-one workshop: Transistor workshop I - Tashi, Brighton
18th June - (C) Zoom - Rough Science II workshop 1 (11-14 y) - Parabolic Solar heater, PotentialPlus UK
19th June - (C) Zoom - Platonic Solids & Euler's law I (8-11 y), PotentialPlus UK
19th June - (C) Zoom - Platonic Solids & Euler's law II (8-11 y), PotentialPlus UK
24th June - (C) Zoom - one-to-one workshop: Transistor workshop II - Tashi, Brighton
25th June - (C) Rough Science II workshop 1 (11-14 y) - Finding our Latitude & Longitude, PotentialPlus UK
26th June - (C) Zoom - Designing a dodecahedron hot air balloon I (8-11 y), PotentialPlus UK
26th June - (C) Zoom - Designing a dodecahedron hot air balloon II (8-11 y), PotentialPlus UK
1st July - (C) Zoom - one-to-one workshop: Transistor III - the flip-flop - Tashi, Brighton
2nd July - (C) Zoom - C60 workshop (11-14 y), PotentialPlus UK
3rd July - (C) Zoom - Radio workshop + live tranmission through a geostationary satellite I (8-11 y), PotentialPlus UK
3rd July - (C) Zoom - Radio workshop + live tranmission through a geostationary satellite II (8-11 y), PotentialPlus UK
15th July - (C) Zoom - one-to-one workshop: Transistor IV - flip-flop cont. - Tashi, Brighton
17th July - (C) Skype - one-to-one workshop: Wind turbine design for greenhouse watering system, Harry, Leicester
20th July (C) - Zoom - Sussex University Summer School - w/s I - Introduction to Kroto Science
21st July (C) - Zoom - Sussex University Summer School - w/s II - Discovery of the Fullerenes & making a model of C60
22nd July (C) - Zoom - Sussex University Summer School - w/s III - Q & A session
22nd July - (C) Zoom - one-to-one workshop: Transistor V - making the flip-flop high freq - tone gen - Tashi, Brighton
24th July (C) - Zoom - Sussex University Summer School - w/s IV - Fullerene Summary & Life in Science
29th July - (C) Zoom - Solar powered buggy - Tashi, Brighton
5th August - (C) Zoom - Water Barometer / manometer I - Tashi, Brighton
18th August - (C) Zoom - Water Barometer / manometer II - Tashi, Brighton
19th August - (C + A) Zoom - Rough Science workshop - Discovery & structure of C60 workshop, Johnny, Wales
25th August - (C) Zoom - Lego Balance & Moments - Tashi, Brighton
1st September (C) - Zoom - Summary of all the 19 science workshops - Tashi, Brighton
28th October - (A) Skype - designing & experimenting with VLF antennas II (resonant v un resonant loops), Ryan, France
28th October - (C) - Zoom - Piezoelectricity workshop - Tashi, Brighton
5th November - (A) Skype - designing & experimenting with VLF antennas III (balanced pick-up, inst. amps etc.), Ryan, France
10th November - (A) zoom - Tinkercad workshop with Roger M0TJK
24th November - (C) Microsoft Teams - Whitgift School 'Oceans Four' physics challenge team discussion
26th November - (C) Zoom - Intro & Parabolic Solar heater design I (8-15 y), PotentialPlus UK
26th November - (C) Zoom - Intro & Parabolic Solar heater design II (8-15 y), PotentialPlus UK
3rd December - (C) Zoom - Platonic solids & Eulers Law I (8-15 y), PotentialPlus UK
3rd December - (C) Zoom - Platonic solids & Eulers Law II (8-15 y), PotentialPlus UK
9th December - (A) Skype - designing & experimenting with VLF antennas IV (balanced pick-up, inst. amps, sampling etc.), Ryan, France
10th December - (C) Zoom - Designing a dodecahedron hot air balloon I (8-11 y), PotentialPlus UK
10th December - (C) Zoom - Designing a dodecahedron hot air balloon II (8-11 y), PotentialPlus UK
15th December - (A) Skype - designing & experimenting with VLF antennas V (measuring Q, resonance and hall effect devices), Ryan, France
16th December - (C) Skype - Experimenting with wave power, Ethan, Vancouver, Canada
17th December - (C) Zoom - Rough Science I workshop 1 (8-11 y) - Water Power & Electricity (Colorado RS VI series), PotentialPlus UK
17th December - (C) Zoom - Rough Science II workshop 1 (8-11 y) - Water Power & Electricity (Colorado RS VI series), PotentialPlus UK
23rd December - (C) Zoom - one-to-one workshop: Radio workshop I - Tashi, Brighton
30th December - (C) Zoom - one-to-one workshop: Radio workshop II - Tashi, Brighton

back to on-line workshop page

Harry and Oliver

These workshops are dedicated to Sir Harry Kroto (friend, colleague and mentor)
and Oliver Hare (much loved nephew)

Dr Jonathan Hare, E-mail: jphcreativescience@gmail.com

NOTE: Although none of the experiments shown in this site represent a great hazard, neither the Creative Science Centre,
Jonathan Hare nor The University of Sussex can take responsiblity for your own experiments based on these web pages.


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