Dr Jonathan Hare CSC activities:
talks, workshops, mini films, TV work, publications etc.

Year No. of talks No. of workshops No. of Internet
workshops (e-w/s)
Internet videos
Vega Trust & GEOSET
video & TV work Journal
Pupil /
Key events / activities
2 28 24 YouTube videos:
Windmill = 2.8 million views
carbon arc = 2900 views
Fresnel lens = 53,000 views
BBC Microbit = 575 views
Fullerenes in space discussion
with Nicholas Tang and Dr Ali Galloni
3 - Back Packs for Radio Mountain Goats, RadCom RSGB
10m band end fire array antenna, Practical Wireless
LED displays with MAX7219, Elektor Magazine
Science Made Simple Equipment
5 22 28 YouTube videos:
Matrix Game = 125 views
carbon arc = 2200 views
Fresnel lens = 53,000 views
wave power = 300,000 views
4 x Matrix Game
1 in press - 'Back Packs for Radio Mountain Goats'
RadCom articles - in press
Cox Group Matrix Game game Sussex University
5 20 23 YouTube videos:
windmill 2.82 million views
graphene = 782,000 views
Fresnel lens = 52,000 views
wave power = 295,000 views
Matrix Game
3 - Practical Wireless 3D printed rotator
2 x 1mW RadCom articles
Cox Group Matrix Game game Sussex University
Potential Plus workshops
Covid II
1 1 31 YouTube videos:
windmill 2.82 million views
graphene = 780,000 views
hand elec gen = 200,000 views
paper turbines = 130,000 views
GEOSET videos
up again on my
YouTube site
2 - The Disruptive Quarterly article
More 3D printing hints & tips article
Cox Group QM II game Sussex University
Potential Plus workshops
Covid I
4 24 75 YouTube videos:
windmill 2.8 million views
graphene = 700,000 views
paper windmills = 130,000 views
- 2 - Vertical antenna Practical Wireless
RadCom Plus 3D printing
New ZoomScience website
on-line Sussex Summer School
Cox Group QM game Sussex University
Potential Plus workshops
Geostationary Satellite link
2019 10 80 37 YouTube videos
windmill = 2.8 million views
wave power = 262,000 views
hand cranked generator = 200,000 views
- 1 2 RSC C60 paper
2 x 3D printing articles
HWK FSU celebration day
Tutoring Stan & William
Bri Sci Fest - Windmills
Cox Group QM game Sussex University
back page review by JPH on Science of Breaking Bad
2018 12 53 42 YouTube videos
windmill = 2.75 million views
graphene II = 735,000 views
- - 1 PW rotator article
new talks: comet tail, Kroto Science
Tutoring Stan cont.
Bri Sci Fest - Electromagnetism
start QM work at Sussex
2017 22 83 39 YouTube videos
windmill = 2.65 million views
graphene II = 718,000 views
- - 3 50th aniv. of Potential Plus: The importance of being bright!
Working with Sir Harry, Alumni Falmer Magazine
The BBC micro:bit RadCom
Tutoring Stan cont.
Bri Sci Fest - Balance w/s
2016 22 65 21 YouTube videos
windmill = 2.44 million views
paper turbines = 107,000 views
remembering Sir Harry
Micro:bit video
Cascode Video
2 4 Kroto obituary
C60 Some Inside Stories - book
2 x amateur radio articles
BBC Micro:bit article
Tutoring Stan
Bri Sci Fest - Seagull w/s
longboard 1100 miles so far!
2015 37 72 17 YouTube videos
windmill = 2.08 million views
hand cranked generator = 150,000 views
2 x interviews with
Sir Harry kroto
4 1 Book Review for RSC
C60 School project published
2 x amateur radio articles
3D printer projects
Record March eclipse (RSGB)
2014 29 66 18 YouTube videos
windmill = 1.8 million views
Graphene = 0.6 million views
4 x 'Interviews with Scientists II'
GLOVEBOX (with Jess Higgins)
COAST clips still being shown
2 6 longboard 900 miles so far!
Ormerod 3D printer and articles
5 x GEOSET videos
Oaklands C60 group
Bri Sci Fest - Moog w/s
2013 39 71 17 YouTube videos
windmill = 1.5 million views
Graphene = 1/2 million views
14 x GEOSET mini films
5 x 'Interviews with Scientists I'
2 5 longboard speedometer - 668 miles!
Chem. Phys. Lets. special C60 article
BBC Breaking Bad article
19 x GEOSET videos
Bri Sci Fest - lightbeam w/s
2012 30 55 18 YouTube windmill
1 million hits
- 1 6 IOP longboard speedometer - 500 miles!
start RSC column - Secrets of the Trade
search for C28
Bri Sci Fest w/s
2011 31 62 21 added YouTube
COAST - mirror galvanometer 2 7 25 years of C60, 99 Words
New Zealand conference
Bri Sci Fest - Neuron w/s
2010 30 33 24 graphene
carbon rev.
- 5 4 Elektor article
Bri Sci Fest - amazing machine w/s
2009 41 58 13 5 mini films
SEPnet Newton Experiments
COAST - Fresnel lens 2 6 Elektor article
Bri Sci Fest - windmill w/s
2008 25 66 23 5 Vega mini films - 3 6 Bri Sci Fest - lightbeam w/s
2007 35 69 9 5 Vega mini films
COAST windmill roadshow
- 2 6 chaotic LED, start Bri Sci Fest w/s
start internet workshops with Russel Taylor
(USA school) and classes
Bri Sci Fest - pot bat w/s
2006 29 84 11 COAST windmill roadshow - 2 3 start RSC column
On Screen Science
2005 17 45 5 COAST Mars Rover roadshow Rough Science 6 2 - -
2004 19 33 - - Rough Science 5 2 - Moon clock
2003 9 13 - - Rough Science 4
Hollywood Science 2
2 - x-antenna,
2002 16 27 1 - Rough Science 3
Hollywood Science I
4 - Bill McCrea
2001 16 31 - - Rough Science 2 - - -
2000 10 32 - - Rough Science I - - Technogames

Dr Jonathan Hare, E-mail: jphcreativescience@gmail.com

NOTE: Although none of the experiments shown in this site represent a great hazard, neither the Creative Science Centre,
Jonathan Hare nor The University of Sussex can take responsiblity for your own experiments based on these web pages.


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