1296 MHz (23cm) band experiments

Click below for two articles I published in The RSGB Radio Communication magazine [1, 2] in 2022 about a low power (ca. 1mW) transmitter for 1296 MHz experiments.

PDF of 1mW Tx RadCom I article

PDF of 1mW Tx RadCom II article

The 1296 MHz (23cm) band has a lot to offer - low band noise, highly sensitive receivers and small yet high gain antennas that are still within the range of what can be made at home.

23cm is influenced to a much greater extent than the 2m (144 MHz) band by large buildings, objects in the way along the signal path and by the weather.

On long paths water moisture can have an effect. Warm air tends to hold higher concentrations of water moisture than cold air, so winter days are often better than summer days.

Here are some of my 1296 MHz band experiments I have had time to write up so far.

1296 MHz mitre dipole dipole UHF SWR METER
3D printed
templates for
folded dipoles
semi-rigid coax
3D printed mitre
(bottom of page)
with balun
1mW 1296 MHz
1mW Tx power


dipole jj
UHF SWR meter
CW slow code
temp sens. more soon back to G1EXG
radio page

Dr Jonathan Hare, E-mail: jphcreativescience@gmail.com

NOTE: Although none of the experiments shown in this site represent a great hazard, neither the Creative Science Centre,
Jonathan Hare nor The University of Sussex can take responsiblity for your own experiments based on these web pages.


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