//mobile phone absorption wavemeter //J P Hare August 4th 2014 version 1.2 //better self tap screw holes //handle of detector cube([20,60,3], center = false); //ca. 50 min print time on Ormerod difference () { //circular loop holder translate ([10,100,0]) cylinder (h=3, r=50, $fn=90); translate ([10,100,0]) cylinder (h=3, r=40, $fn=90); } //fixing posts to hold top of loop difference () { translate ([10,145,3]) cylinder (h=3, r=2, $fn=30); rotate ([0,270,0]) translate ([4.5,145,-16]) cylinder (h=15, r=1, $fn=30); } //first fixing posts to side loop difference () { translate ([55,100,3]) cylinder (h=3, r=2, $fn=30); translate ([55,107,4.5]) rotate ([90,0,0]) cylinder (h=15, r=1, $fn=30); } //second fixing posts to side loop difference () { translate ([-35,100,3]) cylinder (h=3, r=2, $fn=30); translate ([-35,105,4.5]) rotate ([90,0,0]) cylinder (h=15, r=1, $fn=30); } //guide to wire fixing posts left difference () { translate ([-3,57,3]) cylinder (h=3, r=2, $fn=30); translate ([-5,57,4.5]) rotate ([9,90,0]) cylinder (h=6, r=1, $fn=30); } //guide to wire fixing posts right difference () { translate ([23,57,3]) cylinder (h=3, r=2, $fn=30); translate ([20,57,4.5]) rotate ([-9,90,0]) cylinder (h=6, r=1, $fn=30); } //fixing posts 1 for loop wire difference () { translate ([5,55,3]) cylinder (h=5, r=3, $fn=30); translate ([5,55,3]) cylinder (h=5, r=1, $fn=30); } //fixing posts 2 for loop wire difference () { translate ([15,55,3]) cylinder (h=5, r=3, $fn=30); translate ([15,55,3]) cylinder (h=5, r=1, $fn=30); } //fixing posts 3 for LED and diode difference () { translate ([10,45,3]) cylinder (h=5, r=3, $fn=30); translate ([10,45,3]) cylinder (h=5, r=1, $fn=30); }