//supports for the quarter-wave lines //on the 2m co-linear antenna //JP Hare, 26 Jan. 2015, version 1.1 //ca. 1 hour 15 mins print time on Ormerod //remember to stop sloping print out // put them side by side on Y not X axis translate ([0,0,0]) { //square base to join between rod bases difference () { cube([40,40,4]); //hole for bolt 1 translate ([35,5,-1]) cylinder (h=10, r=1.7, $fn=30); //hole for bolt 2 translate ([5,35,-1]) cylinder (h=10, r=1.7, $fn=30); //hole for bolt 3 translate ([35,35,-1]) cylinder (h=10, r=1.7, $fn=30); //hole for bolt 4 translate ([5,5,-1]) cylinder (h=10, r=1.7, $fn=30); } //arm translate ([0,20,0]) cylinder (h=4, r=14, $fn=30); difference () { translate ([-100,15,0]) cube([100,10,4]); //tie-wrap holes translate ([-96,20,-1]) cylinder (h=10, r=2, $fn=30); translate ([-89,20,-1]) cylinder (h=10, r=2, $fn=30); } } //second unit translate ([0,-45,0]) { difference () { cube([40,40,4]); //hole for bolt 1 translate ([35,5,-1]) cylinder (h=10, r=1.7, $fn=30); //hole for bolt 2 translate ([5,35,-1]) cylinder (h=10, r=1.7, $fn=30); //hole for bolt 3 translate ([35,35,-1]) cylinder (h=10, r=1.7, $fn=30); //hole for bolt 4 translate ([5,5,-1]) cylinder (h=10, r=1.7, $fn=30); } //arm translate ([0,20,0]) cylinder (h=4, r=14, $fn=30); difference () { translate ([-100,15,0]) cube([100,10,4]); //tie-wrap holes translate ([-96,20,-1]) cylinder (h=10, r=2, $fn=30); translate ([-89,20,-1]) cylinder (h=10, r=2, $fn=30); } }