//folded dipole former II //10th Aug 2021 // VK1NAM 12 element yagi // 110 mm tip to tip // 23 / 2 = 11.5 = 11 mm radius bends //ca. 1 hour //main base cube([120,40,2]); //end curve I translate ([(120-90)/2+1,20,0]) cylinder (h=8, r=(11), $fn=90); //end curve II translate ([90+(120-90)/2-1,20,0]) cylinder (h=8, r=(11), $fn=90); //meet in the middle place translate ([60,5,0]) cube([(2.1-.1),10,6]); //top support translate ([35,29,0]) cube([(50),2,8]); //version 4 markers for (i=[1:3:9]) translate ([15+i,2,0]) cylinder (h=3, r=1, $fn=90);